Chronic pain is the #1 reason for seeking care, #1 cause of disability and addiction, and #1 driver of health care costs, costing more than cancer, heart disease, and diabetes (Institute of Medicine, 2011). There are hundreds of risk factors that can lead to chronic pain. By taking some simple steps each day, pain can be relieved and prevented.
The U.S National Pain Strategy states that people with pain need to be engaged to improve their pain through patient-centered integrated care services that is based on understanding and caring for the whole person. This is a key factor in transformative care.
The Campaign for Preventing Chronic Pain states that pain conditions are best managed by training people to reduce lifestyle risk factors that cause pain and strengthen protective factors that can help prevent pain. This is a key factor in transformative care.
The Institute of Medicine states that health professionals’ primary role in caring for chronic pain requires guiding, coaching, and assisting patients with day-to-day self-management in addition to evidence based biomedical treatments. This is a key factor in transformative care.